25 Mayıs 2010 Salı


I think painting like writing. When I am feeling angry or sad. I am writing my feelings or drawing-painting something.It makes me feel relax. I am scratching something,drawing something,writing something and I am feeling better. And also it is enjoyable.


I'm interested in music. I love listening music. I'm usually listening active musics. I'm usually listening foreign musics. I am also listening Turkish musics. My favorite foreign singers are David Guetta,Fergie,Lady Gaga. My favorite music groups are Muse,Linkin Park. My favorite Turkish music groups are Duman,Mor ve Ötesi.

Listening music makes me feel relax. If I am angry,sad,happy... I am always listening music.


I love searching.Especially searching about history.History is really interesting for me.Learning something about our country's history.Learning something about our nation's history.Learning about some place's history. I think they are really interesting and enjoyable.

21 Mayıs 2010 Cuma


I like doing sports. I'm playing football,basketball...I'm in the school's basktball team. I like swimming.There is a pool in our complex.At the summer months I'm always swimming there.
I'm usually swimming one hour I'm giving a break fifteen minutes and later I'm going on to swimming.I like riding bike.I'm usually riding bike thirty minutes.

1 Nisan 2010 Perşembe


I like cars. My favorite cars are Ferrari,Porsche,Lamborghini,Hummer,Mercedes,Bmw... I like watching car races especially F1.I want to be 18 and I want to take driving license because I love cars. And I like speed,I like watching speedy cars.I like luxury in cars.

7 Şubat 2010 Pazar


I like take photos.I'm always taking photos of every interesting,beautiful... things.And I like recording videos.When we went to holiday with my family I'm being the photographer of the family.I'm taking photos and recording videos about my family,about the things around us... I love cameras,I think cameras,playing with cameras are one of the most enjoyable things at the world.


6 Şubat 2010 Cumartesi


I like reading.I'm allways reading books,newspapers,magazines.
I like fantastic,comedy books.I'm reading newspaper all mornings I'm always looking at the articles about sport.I like caricature pages on newspapers or on magazines.I'm reading to develop myself.I think reading is really important for personal development.

5 Şubat 2010 Cuma


I like watch movies.I like scary,comedy movies.I like watching Turkish films.If I'm watching a comedy film it should be Turkish film,I couldn't laugh too much to foreign films.I think it's about sense of humor.Because every country has another sense of humor.And scary movies are antipodal of comedy films.I think foreign scary movies are better then Turkish scary movies.This is why I'm usually watching foreign scary movies.


I like watching television. I'm watching comedy programs. I like talk shows.There are some series on television.I like watching them.Especially detective series or action series.I like watching movies. I like comedy,scary movies. I wacth cartoons.I like listening music. I'm watching car races.I'm watching basketball,football matches.


I like playing computer.I'm doing my homeworks on computer.I'm watching movies on computer.I like comedy,scary movies.
I'm listening music.I'm playing football,basketball,war,race,fight games on computer.I'm editing photos by using internet.I'm checking my e-mails.I'm watching videos.